Thursday, August 12, 2010

Chubby can be beautiful

Colin was goofing around, as he does, and pretended to wrap himself in bandages, but mispoke and said "I'm a mommy now!" (instead of mummy) So I rubbed his tummy and said "Ooooh, is there a baby in there? Where's the daddy?" And he said, "No, there's a baby in ELLA'S tummy, and I'm the daddy" Ella looked up in surpise, then down at her tummy and said "NO! I'm just CHUBBY!"
Colin and I were speechless for a second, then we both fell all over ourselves saying "NOOOO! You're not chubby! You're BEAUTIFUL!"
She looked at us as if we are insane and said "But, chubby can be beautiful"

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Ella has no patience

Colin was taking some liquid Benadryl, and quite honestly, stalling about drinking it. He'd raise it to his lips, then say something, then raise it up again, then say something else. *rollingmyeyes*

Finally Ella shouted "JUST DRINK IT ALREADY!"

It was additionally hysterical that she was wearing pink monkey pajamas and care bear socks when she shouted that demand. lol

The inner workings of the sibling relationship

In order to prevent (or attempt to prevent) fighting over movies, I let my kids take turns picking the movie. When its Ella's turn, she won't pick any of the movies I suggest because "Brother doesn't like girls in movies" Its a big source of frustration for me, because a)I want her to like what she likes and b) I want a girly-girl. ;)
When its Colin's turn, he has no such dilemma, he picks Ninja Turtles, or some superhero movie. BUT, he usually leaves while his movie is on. And Ella sits and watches it, because Colin likes it.

Friday, August 6, 2010


I just had a very startling experience.

Ella just came to me and said "Brother hit me with a poodle!" and he said "False!" and it struck son is Dwight.



Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Wedding plans

I overheard Ella today, talking to Colin about their wedding plans. Ella, like all other 3 yr olds, has chosen a completely unsuitable groom.....her brother. She was talking over what their wedding will be like, "And I'll wear a big dress with pink all over it, and a veil, and there will be dancing, and lots of flowers, it will be beautiful! And you will be so handsome in your tux, and we'll dance together, because we'll be married!" And Colin, while not wanting to dash his sister's dreams, it way too logical to agree that this is a possiblity, so he took the only out he could think of "Is this when you're a grownup? Well, when you're a grownup, I'll be an old man, and you are too beautiful to marry an old man!"

She accepted this, but still plans on dancing with him at her wedding. She said "I'll just marry nobody then, and we can still dance while I'm in my pretty dress."

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A lesson from Ella

Its been awhile since I've posted anything here, what with the hospital drama we've been starring in this last week.
But I knew eventually one of the kids would say something that would have me running for the computer. lol
Today I got frustrated with the remote and said "Oh I give UP!" Ella looked at me sadly and said "But momma, Yo Gabba Gabba says "don't give up, never give up"
Thanks for the guilt, kid.

Oh, and here's a story from the hospital that I found amusing. Especially since she totally set me up. Ella asked me "What are you allergic to again?" and I said "Oranges, Kiwis and band-aids"
Ella replies "Eeew, gah-ross!"
I asked her what was gross, and she said, completely deadpan "Why would you ever eat a bandaid?"

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Oh the WHORE!

Sometimes your kids misunderstand something so delicious, you just HAVE to tell other people. A LOT of other people. *evil laugh*

Colin was goofing around, about what I forget, and he said "Oh the WHORE!"

" you mean, 'oh the HORROR?' "

"No, whore is when there's one, and horror is more than one"

I decided not to ask "one of WHAT?"
